Tuition Quick Links
Islam - Reconnect with your Faith - 1 to 1 Tuition
Want to really understand and reconnect to your faith?
Didn’t really get it the first time around?
Want to learn True Islam and drop traditions?
Want to ask those questions you have always been worried about asking?
Want to love and embrace you faith?

We will cover all the basics as well as looking at how to practically apply Islam to your life.
Articles of Faith – Five Pillars – Islam in your Life.
Practical issues which we all face.
A chance to really reconnect to your faith with understanding.
Discuss any topic. No subject taboo.
Based strictly on the Qur’an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Suitable for new and long term Muslims.
Group sessions available – Why not do this together with your family or friends.
The cost is FREE
Please register using the form below – We will call you to arrange your booking.
UPDATE: We have many people registering but then not answering their phone when we call. We will call you from an 0116 prefix number. Please do not register if you do not like to answer your phone, it just wastes our time. Jazaak’Allaah Khair.
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