As Muslims it is our responsibility to care for all, regardless of faith, colour or background. A good Muslim will show respect and caring to the whole of humanity, not just Muslims.
Our responsibilities to our neighbours was highlighted by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) who said:
“”He is not a believer who eats his fill while his neighbour goes hungry”
“He is not a believer whose neighbour is not secure from his harm”
There are many more quotes in which the Prophet stressed the importance showing caring towards others regardless of faith.

Destination Islam Outreach is our support project which is open to all, whether Muslim or non-Muslim.

Let’s Talk
Sometimes you just need to talk, but these days no one seems to have the time. Communications seems to all be online via messages. If you have something on your mind, or just need to talk to someone, please get in touch. One of our volunteers will contact you for an informal chat, and may signpost you to additional support.

Budgeting Help
In the current economic climate many of us are struggling to keep up with the monthly bills, especially if we have children. One thing they never seem to teach us at school is how to budget and many people struggle to keep to a weekly or monthly budget. We can work with you and support you through setting up and working within a budget. This service is completely confidential and your personal details will not be shared with anyone.

Emergency Support
If you are responsible for children, and are facing an emergency situation and struggling to pay for the basics such as food and clothing, please get in touch. We have links to charities who support struggling families and we will try to get you some assistance. One again, this service is completely confidential, and your personal details will not be shared with anyone without your permission.
We are always looking for new project ideas for Destination Islam Outreach. If you have any suggestions or want to get involved, please get in touch.
Please use the form below if you are interested in one of the projects.